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Hunting Traditions and Cultural Museum

Promoting Culture

This Centre, 'ir-Razzet tal-Bagħal', a century Knights of Malta Farmhouse which has been managed by the FKNK since 2015,  provides interpretation and educational material on the Natura 200 Sanctuary of Buskett Gardens, within which woods is situated the farmhouse, seeing to create a better-informed visitor. The different rooms within the farmhouse cater for various target groups intent on different activities.  A general reception area provides broad-level information on the historical and natural features of Buskett, including aspects of geomorphology, hydrology, ecology and cultural heritage.  Information is also provided on the rural vernacular heritage and on traditional agricultural practices.  The reception area includes information for visitors on the legal protection of Buskett.  Walking trails are delineated and presented. Another room within the farmhouse is used as an educational teaching area to cater for visiting research teams and students, providing a space for briefings, talks and lectures on environmental-related matters.  Other parts of the farmhouse provide space for multimedia presentations on various aspects of Buskett, as well as basic laboratory facilities for hands-on work. 


Another part of the farm's project houses an exhibition-type layout where hunting and trapping paraphernalia and artefacts are put on display.  This one-of-a-kind cultural museum aims to promote the traditional aspect of hunting and trapping on the Maltese Islands.  A joint venture with Heritage Malta is envisaged in the near future.

Razzett tal-Baghal
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